Tree Pruning Derbyshire

At Aussie Tree Care we understand the importance of a healthy tree and that pruning is essential to maintain the overall health and future growth of a tree, plant or bush.  Tree pruning helps maximise its growth, form and structure.  It is vital that pruning is done correctly or the health of a tree can be significantly affected.

Our pruning services include: 


To obtain the desired shape and form of the tree in the long term while the tree has not yet developed.

Restorative Pruning

Often undertaken on mature, declining trees where the removal of damaged or diseased branches are pruned back to healthy, undamaged timber.  This promotes new shoots to create a new canopy and can save a tree or prolong its lifespan.

Deadwood Removal

The removal of dead branches from within the tree which prevents injury and property damage.

Crown Thinning

Pruning of branches within the crown to increase air circulation and sunlight throughout the tree.

Crown Reduction

Pruning of branches from the crown to reduce the height of the tree.

Crown Lifting

Clears low hanging branches to provide clearance for access around the tree.

Building Clearance

Remove low hanging branches or limbs encroaching on your home, granny flat or driveway. This service will provide proper clearance from structures without removing a tree.